really powerful writing -- thank you.

solstice blessings and hope you continue to recover well.

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Thank you for reading my friend, and for the good wishes! I'm hoping I'm on the mend now. Solstice blessings to you too ☀️

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Jun 21Liked by Ramona McCloskey

I am lost for words, Ramona but so very grateful that you can so beautifully communicate what I am feeling in my heart. Your writing is filled with wisdom. I believed I understood the motives of JSO but increasingly I feel their actions are doing nothing but alienating people. The problem isn't simply climate change and the solution isn't just stopping the production of oil.

Thank you so much for this powerful piece of writing which I'm saving to come back to again...so much here for me to ponder!!

Wishing you well on your health journey 💚

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Thank you so much, and I'm always happy and humbled that you can find yourself in my words.

Indeed, we can physically stop the extraction and production of oil tomorrow, yet that alone wouldn't do anything to heal the wound of disconnection the mankind suffers from. Collectively we have an awfully long and painful journey in front of us.

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Solstice blessings be upon you. May the Goddess lay her hand on you and bring you back your health.

Powerful words and a right condemnation for these hooligans masquerading as climate activists. Those of us who dance and pray around the bon fires at the equinoxes and solstices know the difference between the connection between the land of the Sidhe, the middle world where we live and the sky where the Gods live. All are connected. None can live without the other. This business of spraying paint on the ancients is disgraceful. But then, throwing soup on masterpieces in the museums was no different. There are better ways to make a point than destroying and defacing things than have no bearing on the message. Painting the megaliths does nothing for any cause. As you pointed out, it does the opposite. It seems these Instagrammers and TikTokers don't get that. For them, it's all about the attention they bring on themselves and not the message it sends to the world. Look at me, I'm famous now because I painted a large stone at Stonehenge. Best thing they could do would be to lock them up and take away their ability to take pictures and videos of themselves for many years to come. Make them disappear off of social media until they are long forgotten about. That and make them clean up their messes without destroying the object they defaced with no attention paid to them. But as we know in this day and age, that is not likely to happen.

Take good care of yourself and your family. You were missed.

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Solstice blessings to you, dear Terrance. I have to catch up with your newsletters and podcasts, they're some of the many things I missed in recent weeks.

I agree with what you're saying. That is if this was indeed a terrible and immature misjudgement from people unaligned with Nature; the other possibility is a government psy-op. We know well from history how radical movements have always been swiftly infiltrated and steered to look ridiculous in the eyes of the general public. JSO certainly fits that description. Either way, the result is the same and damage and delay have been caused to the environmental movement.

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Now that is a scary thought. The government supporting these eco-terrorists. I hope it's just a case of misguided judgement and they will rethink doing something like this again. Let's hope so.

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Beautiful as always. Thank you so much for saying all of this. These are the thoughts I have when I see protestors burning tires, wearing fast fashion keffiyehs, waving polyester flags, making vinyl stickers, ect. Or any new wave of activism merch. I love rebellious disruption, but if we aren't thinking of every way it just adds to the problem, it's utterly counterproductive. But you're right, anytime I've ever said anything like that I'm met with people treating me like I'm trying to stop protest, like I'm being a protest prude. I want total disruption, but with the mindset and methods that will need to be a part of the new world. Total intersectional thoughtfulness in all things. I don't think collective liberation is possible without that. Maybe we are getting there though...I'd like to think we are. We will get there. With beautiful voices like yours leading the way.

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Such powerful words, Ramona, thank you for your voice. I read your note a day or two ago, and now this, and it echoes with so much of what I've been feeling and thinking about since "retiring" from climate activism 3-4 years ago. There has to be another way to do activism that doesn't involve pointless, destructive, attention-seeking actions like this, but that does more than be nice about it and try to enact change from within! As Bayo Akomolafe says, "how we deal with the crisis is the crisis". Solstice blessings to you and good health wishes too 🔥

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Beautiful writing Ramona, your ability to cut through to truth is very moving, may it move us all to speak truth and be truth for the good of all human and non-human. Your words are a beacon of light and hope because there isn’t much out there right now!! It can feel like a lonely path. Solstice blessings 🔥

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What a beautiful and powerful prayer. So may it be. I wish you strength in your recovery, and utterly agree about that self-righteous whataboutism that implies a person of good conscience is incapable of caring about more than one issue at a time and that they do not somehow cancel each other out.

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